STANDING TOGETHER: The Christian-Muslim Consultative Group
Board Members:
John Ishvaradas Abdallah, World Without Borders Interfaith Sufi Ashram
Soraya Ahyauddin, Program Dir., American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute, USC
Samia Bano, author, Secretary
Betty Cooney, Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
César Domínguez, Bayan Islamic Graduate School, Co-Chair
Grace Dyrness, Institute for Transnational Research and Development, Co-Chair
Bishop Steve Gilliland, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Treasurer
Atilla Kahveci, Pacifica Institute
Rev. Dr. Thom Johnson, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Marium Mohiuddin, Principal Consultant, PRACCA Inc.
Carole Wheeler, Presbyterian Church, USA
Dr. Gwynne Guibord and Imam Jihad Turk, Founders
Advisory Council members:
Salam al-Marayati, President, MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council)
Rev. Jim Burklo, Senior Associate Dean of Religious Life at USC
Rev. Patricia Farris, Senior Minister, First United Methodist Church of Sta. Mónica
Bishop Guy Irwin, Lutheran Church
Sherrel Johnson, Community Relations Mgr., CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations)
Edina Lekovic, Host, “Meet the Moment” podcast, Consultant, MPAC
Imam Jihad Saafir, Islah LA Educational Institute
The Right Rev. Alexei Smith, Ecumenical and Interreligious Affs., Archiodiocese of LA
Dr. Najeeba Syeed, internationally recognized leader in peacebuilding and social justice advocacy
Rev. Jerry Stinson, Retired Pastor, First Congregrational Church of Long Beach